Teaching English Language Learners

The PowerPoint presentation below is based on my notes and abbreviated definitions of the main components and SIOP Features from the book, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model by Jana Echevarria, MaryEllenVogt, and Deborah J. Short and published by Pearson Education. The presentation is a cheat sheet, of...

Foundations of Classroom Management

The information below is based on the self-assessment questions for the course, Foundations of Classroom Managementand comes from the course syllabus and the student text, The First Days of School by Harry K. and Rosemary T. Wong Assessment Goals Understand the steps to obtain a clear Designated Subjects credential. From Los Angeles County...

Now Meet Edison

I am honing a few of my lost skill sets that went unused over the past twenty years or so while in the work force. My schooling in robotics from way back when shows little resemblance to the plethora of educational opportunities in robotics available today. Here is a...