Hello, world!  

This website was originally dedicated to serving my high school students with information about the classes I was teaching. Since I have retired from teaching and from the technology work sector, the website is more of a vanity/hobby site. I keep adding to it, here and there, writing articles and lessons, more for my own amusement and to keep my mind awake.

If you don't know what Hello, world! is, click here.

The three main areas of my website, as shown below, are:
Although this website is mostly devoted to technology, the writings I post here are not necessarily technical. I also post stuff I have done and written about, like building furniture or teaching.
These articles are all related to areas of technology I like playing around with. Mostly I like database tech (SQL), HTML (of course), CSS, and a smattering of other stuff.
Although I only taught school for a short time, it was very important to me. Here are some of the lessons for my class in computer science. They include several areas of CS in general with a focus on programming in Python. Of course, they are created for high school students.


Shaker Style Chest
Some woodworking tools on a rustic table.

For my first attempt at building furniture, I thought I would try to find something simple and easy. After looking at a plethora of articles and videos, I narrowed it down to either an entryway sofa table or a blanket chest. I finally settled on trying to make a Shaker style chest. It turned out to be neither simple or easy.

Go to my blog!


Using the <video> Element in HTML5
A computer screen showing a video player.

In this article, which is not meant to be extensive by any means, we will take a quick look at using the HTML element <video> which was new with implementation of HTML5. You can very simply add videos to your web page using this element along with the <source> element.

See all articles!


Drawing with Python 3
Python logo.

Four lessons in a series on drawing with Python 3 using the web application, CodeSkulptor3. These lessons use a module called "simplegui" for drawing and animations. Covered in these lessons are; using CodeSkulptor, using functions, defining functions, using x and y coordinates, graphing objects, comparison operators, and if, elif, and else statements.

View all lessons!

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If attribution for any resource used on this or any page on krobbins.com is incorrect or missing, please check the about page. If there is still an error, please contact me to correct it.